Saturday, August 1, 2009

Perplexities of gorgeous company.

I can just hear the assembly of nectarines, peaches and apricots guffawing over by the windowsill.

I know. Fruit doesn't guffaw. But it ought to. It waits while I walk slowly around the farm stands, meticulously choosing it -- the juiciest, most fragrant of the bunch -- only to bring it home in a bulbous paper sack and then not eat it.

What can I do? It's hot, and the heat ruins my appetite. But I am alone! and 3 peaches, 1 tomato, 1 jicama, 20 raspberries, 6 carrots, 2 bell peppers and 4 apricots do not make happy company when the appetite is perplexed. They must be mixed, blended, chunked, baked and somehow transformed in the next 4 days before it all goes bad. I know not how. Only that raspberries and jicama go first, for they are the most beautiful.