Monday, June 8, 2009

Flax Chicken Nuggets

The chicken in the fridge was almost a week past its expiration date and I was getting bored with panko breadcrumbs, so I picked up a bag of ground flaxseed (it was on sale) at the grocery store to see what I could invent.

Flax seed is a pretty good source of poly-and-monounsaturated fats, as well as high in fiber (all of its carbohydrates come from fiber) so I didn't mind using quite a bit of it for coating the meat. I thought the seeds would provide a nice texture and alternative coating for chicken, and as it turns out, I was right. My only qualm is I wish I'd added seasonings to intensify the flavor.

Additionally, I mixed dijon mustard with honey for a dipping sauce. Plain honey or plain mustard would have worked equally well, depending on your yen.

To make the nuggets, you need

  • preferred amount of boneless, skinless chicken breasts (not thin-sliced)
  • whole ground flax seed flour
  • garlic powder, mustard powder, oregano, basil, thyme, salt, pepper
  • 1 egg white
  • honey
  • mustard
  1. Rinse and cut chicken into nugget-sized pieces
  2. In a shallow bowl, break one egg and quickly whisk egg white, tossing yolk in trash
  3. In a separate bowl, dump flax seed and mix in herbs and seasonings of choice
  4. Cover meat pieces in egg white, then transfer to flax mixture and coat well. Place in lightly misted baking dish.
  5. Cook meat at 400 F in oven for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Enjoy with dipping sauce!